Wednesday, January 14, 2015


A Happy Man

Image courtesy : Sukanto Debnath from Flickr

I saw a happy man,
And I judged him,
He was badly dressed,
And earned very less,
Even though he worked very hard,
He hadn't gotten much far.

I judged him,
Because he was so satisfied,
And about such silly things,
He clapped and danced,
And about seemingly low issues,
He broke down and cried.

I judged him,
Because his bar was so low!
And isn't low aim a crime?
A heinous act, no less.
He had wasted his prime,
And yet showed no distress!

I judged him,
His big huge heart!
So matchless with that,
Tiny little wallet!
And how he walked like he owned the world,
Silly, he was, he knew so less!

I saw a happy man,
Yes and judged him,
And then I judged myself,
I stopped, and I wondered,
How much more it would take,
For me to laugh like that!


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